Friday, April 15, 2011

All in

I get so caught up with budgeting and planning my finances that I forget to plan my career! I've had a couple of good, solid weeks at work--my sales have been through the roof and, without realizing it, I've been asking for more responsibility. This is a good thing!

The Banking Center Manager is going on maternity leave for four months starting in late August. Along with the current Assistant Manager, I'll be temporarily filling a management-type role as head of sales. I'm not sure why it took me so long to realize it, but this is a great opportunity to finish out the 4th quarter with great numbers and (hopefully) pick up a couple of written recommendations for a Banking Center Manager position!

I've had a lot of hesitation about attempting to climb the corporate ladder with this company. I am, however, getting consistent feedback from my superiors that I will have no problem turning this into a career, which is a great sign. When I was having trouble with the job, I was reading up on some advice for young professionals and came across this quote:

"Transitioning from student to employee is never easy. Hesitation to commit is often a problem and leaves many young professionals in a state of limbo. Every employee will be presented with a tough choice--be all-in, or cash out."

I'm all-in!

1 comment:

  1. It's nice to do well and succeed sometimes- enjoy the favor of it:)


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