Tuesday, April 24, 2012

A Girls Weekend

As I mentioned before, I flew down to Orange County last month for a girls weekend with my mom and sisters. It was the first time I got to see them since Nick proposed, and we dedicated the weekend to (five!) dress appointments and wedding talk. It was a short yet very sweet weekend, albeit very tiring! I did not expect dress try-ons to be so draining-- by the end of each day I was in a daze! The adventure was well-worth it, though, as I found THE dress. Of course I can't describe it on here, nor can I post any pictures (boo!) but I will say that it is everything that I wanted in a dress.
We bought the dress and accessories that same weekend (thanks mom!! ;) and had them shipped up to my Eugene address. Free shipping and no sales tax (thanks Oregon!) -- Wahoo!!

I received my dress and accessories last week, and got to try everything on while Nick was at work. A few days later I also received my grandmother's wedding dress in the mail. She was married over 60 years ago and made the dress herself. Unfortunately she was teeny-tiny, so I don't fit into it very well-- I can't exactly zip it up! However, I think it would be very neat to incorporate at least a piece of her dress into our wedding somehow. Any thoughts or ideas would be much appreciated! I am thinking maybe around the bouquet? The thought of cutting up the dress makes me shudder a bit because of all the history behind it. For now, it is safe next to my wedding dress until I am absolutely sure of what to do with it.

Catching Up

We've been keeping pretty busy during these last few weeks, if you couldn't tell by our absence of posts ;)

We have lots to catch up on, so I suppose we'll start at the beginning! First up: snow! We woke up to a winter wonderland one day in mid-March. It was a pleasant surprise-- we received at least 4-5 inches overnight, and it kept coming down well into the morning. This was our first real "snow day" in Oregon. It has snowed several times before, but not the the point where we couldn't drive around due to dangerous icy roads.

The snow stuck for a couple days, too, which is also unusual. Normally it sticks for an hour or two and then disappears. Toby loved the snow. I'll put a video of him running around when I get to my computer.