Thursday, March 15, 2012

Making Progress

It's been just about a month since Nick put a ring on my finger, and it has been a whirlwind ever since! Granted this whirlwind is a good one. The day after his proposal, Nick whisked me away to Seattle for the weekend. Our hotel was less than a mile away from all of the sights, and despite the freezing winds, we were able to hit everything on the list!

The week after that was the last week that I worked at Insidetrack. Those five days were filled with lots of emotion; while I was excited to be starting a new chapter with Nick, it was so difficult to say goodbye to my beloved students and coworkers. I have formed some strong bonds with some of my students and workmates, and I miss them dearly. Luckily Portland is just a 2 hour road trip away.
The following weekend was spent packing up everything in the Portland condo and fitting it into the truck. Luckily, everything fit perfectly--and we had no casualties in the process.
Over the last couple weeks, we have organized, cleaned, and rearranged the new place to make it our own. I know I speak for both of us when I say that our place is SO great. We have doubled our square footage (if you count our one-car garage), which means that we can spread out our big stuff--no more
wall-to-wall furniture!
I'm starting to plan out our backyard, too. It has been very rainy over the last couple weeks (with frost, snow and hail, too), so there's not a whole lot I can do just yet. I'm hoping to grow some herbs and veggies at the least. Toby LOVES the size of "his" yard. His favorite spot in the house is in front of our slider door that goes out back. He sits there and quietly growls at any cats that dare enter his territory.
Unfortunately the grass does not cover the whole yard, and the heavy rains have created lots of mud puddles for Toby to blast through. Thus, he gets a good wipe-down with a towel every single time he comes back inside. One more reason we can't wait for the sun to come out!
Tonight I am flying down to Orange County for a girls' weekend. Kim is down from Boulder and she, Courtney, my mom and I will be spending the weekend hunting for the perfect wedding dress! I think they are just as excited as I am (if not more ;) to get started with all the planning. My mom has booked five bridal shop appointments for the next couple days--we're gonna be busy!

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