Monday, December 19, 2011

End of the Year!

It has been a long time since I've blogged, but I assure you it has been because I have been so busy! Well, now that we are approaching the holiday season, real estate has slowed to a crawling pace and I have some free time! A welcome change-of-pace and a nice way to conclude a crazy year.

Originally I was going to write a month-by-month summary of what we've done, but pictures and collages are so much more fun!

And, of course, a video of Katie being an absolute dead-eye 12-gauge handlin' skeet shooter! Good job!

Unfortunately I've had a major delay in closing my first deal. I should've been receiving a nice check tomorrow, but instead we're closing on 1/16/12, assuming there are no other delays. Although this would've been a great Christmas "bonus," these things occasionally happen, and we are fully dedicated to making the most of our winter break.

In two days, we head down to California for some fun in the December sun! I mean that, too. Each year, we go to Dog Beach in Southern California on or around Christmas day and enjoy the nice weather. If we were to try that up here we would nearly freeze as our weather has been hovering around 35° for the past couple of weeks.

We'll start our trip with 3-4 days in Northern California with my family. We'll do a White Elephant gift exchange on the 23rd and a small Christmas on the 24th. On Christmas day we fly out of Oakland to Long Beach for a week with Katie's family! The time frames work out well because her family is solidly in Southern California whereas mine is disbursed throughout Northern California, Eugene, and Portland. We'll be on-the-go down there pretty much every day. Can't wait!

Ok, I'm out of time for now. I'll update later.

1 comment:

  1. love the collage :D see you guys soon!



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