Thursday, June 30, 2011

Over the River and Through the Woods

We made it to Forest Park last weekend! Apparently the walk to the trailhead is a little longer than I had originally figured, so we ended up walking over haf a mile just to get there. This was also our first time walking across the St. Johns Bridge, which was a fun experience. It's a lot longer than we had thought! The view from the bridge is breathtaking. We could see both Mt. Hood and Mt. Rainier very clearly.

The bridge itself is beautiful, too. Its color is becoming one of my favorites. 
Here is our view a couple minutes into the hike...
Mt. Rainier is the white spot to the left of the bridge. See that tall, reddish building between the mountain and the bridge? Our condo sits right next to it. Here is what most of our hike looked like--it felt like we were walking through a jungle...
This is just a 15 minute walk away from our home. Amazing! 
More to come soon, as I had quite a few adventures over the past few days. 
Also, I got a job interview!! It's for a college coaching position and I go in next Thursday. 
My fingers are tightly crossed!


  1. Thank you, thats very interesting information. I need to share with my friends.

  2. Another informative blog… Thank you for sharing it… Best of luck for further endeavor too.


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