Thursday, March 10, 2011

Presenting: Our Living Room

I finally got around to taking pictures of our living room this morning. We're quite proud of ourselves and our deco-skills. :] Now I just need to find something to go above the TV... or would that  be too much? Any ideas? I'm thinking a decorative clock or something. Ideally I'd like it to tie in with both Amsterdam picture in the office nook and the dark wood in our mirror/decorations.  Perhaps a dark wood clock with stainless accents!
Anyway, here are the pictures:

Sorry about the fuzziness of some of them... they were taken with my cell phone camera.
I'd love to hear what you think!


  1. Just love what you've done to the place. A round clock above hte TV would look great. Also I can't believe the beautiful park so close by. You're lucky to have such a special place to go to and I'm sure you can't wait for the Farmer's Market to come! ENJOY! - Aunt Gon

  2. so cute. looks cozy :D is that a new couch?

  3. Your place looks great !!! Can't wait to come and see it ,we are so proud of you guys :-) love you mom& dad


Tell us what you think!